Friday, 14 December 2012
Morley Fire Station saved!
Morley Fire Station has been saved from closure following our long campaign. We have worked closely with local residents and the FBU to oppse the closure plan from Labour controlled West Yorkshire Fire Authority. Although the closure plan is to be shelved we still have some concerns about the new staffing regime that will operate and will be looking for further assurances that community safety will not be put at risk. This may include scrapping the proposals for day time staffing - as proposed in the report - and going for a staffing sytsem called "Close Call". Close Call will mean staff are retained in or around the fire station for 24 hours a day instead of being on call which builds in delays for staff to get to the Station from home.
We led the campaign with public meetings and the production of objection letters. The number of objection letters topped 2500 - a remarkable achievement with much of the credit going to Brian and Christine Guy and the FBU.
What are we to make of this victory for People Power? It is a partial victory and we need to keep battling on the shift pattern front to prevent a risk to community safety. We need to accept some of the report but oppose the proposal for only part time staffing at Morley.
However it should give us the confidence to continue to battle with other plans and proposals - such as the Daisy Hill and Bruntcliffe Road housing developments as well as getting stuck in to opposing Labours plans for over 8000 housing units across the Morley wide area proposed in their LDF plan.
We continue to articulate local residents concerns and the victories for the joint campaigning with local communities are clear to see with the Knowle Manor closure plan being overturned, the LDF plan having more objections lodged to it from Morley than the rest of Leeds put together and the retention of Morley Fire Station. We follow no party line here - unlike local Labour Councillors. We put the local community at the heart of our decision making process. They decide - not party leaders who are all detached from the reality of local peoples lives.
The Fire Station victory is a clear lesson to us all that you don't have to accept the decision making of out of touch authorities. We can influence the outcome and we can protect local people from barmy decisions.
Here's to future campaigns!
Friday, 7 December 2012
Another Labour By-election Drain
Morley Labour Party have again called a Town Council by-election which will cost local taxpayers over £9000. This is money which could have been used for additional policing or to support local pensioner or youth groups. This adds to Labours' previous by-election blunder where they called a similar by-election in the Central Ward costing local tax payers over £7000 in election cost while failing to deliver a candidate for the election.
Labours' desperate desire to waste hard earned local cash in now becoming legendary with over £15,000 wasted on their personal vanity projects - that's the cost of half a Police Officer. The MBI way would be to co-opt a councillor, an option which doesn't cost local tax payers a penny.
Labour continue to bleat on about cuts - including Police cuts - yet do everything to waste cash which could support the services they claim they want to protect.
We are again gearing up to battle with Labour and to put a localised campaign which will focus on the Fire Station closure proposal from the Labour controlled Fire Authority and Labours' proposals for over 8,000 housing units to swamp Morley proposed in their LDF document.
We will be working hard with our colleagues who represent the Churwell Ward on Morley Town Councillor to find an honourable replacement for the legendary councillor Joe Tetley who is sadly missed.
Labours' proliferation of cash when in Government previously is the root cause of many of our present financial challenges. Its interesting to see that locally their desperate desire to waste money continues unabated!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Morley Fire Station Campaign tops 2000 0bjections
Christine and Brian Guy delivering Morley's 2000+ objections to Morley Fire Station closure |
The campaign commenced when proposals were first raised to close both Morley and Hunslet Fire Stations merging them at a new building proposed for a site adjacent to the White Rose Centre on Dewsbury Road.
Campaigners believe the closure of Morley Fire Station will put lives at risk - especially in the outlying areas such as Drighlington and East Ardsley - as well as creating a delay for fire engines reaching the M62 - the location for many of the areas serious road traffic accidents.
The campaign has been supported by Brian and Christine Guy whose efforts have reached the magnificent target of over 2100 objection letters. At a visit to the Fire Authority I was privileged to attend with them we saw additional objections form the Morley area and received confirmation that the Morley District had raised the most objections to the wide scale reforms which impact on all communities across the West Yorkshire area.
Morley Folk are to be congratulated on the support for this campaign and indeed a similar large number of objections came from Morley residents against Labours LDF proposals to dump over 7,000 new housing units on greenfield sites across the Morley area. The Morley Community is clearly articulating its concerns and we hope the Labour controlled Fire Authority will listen to the overwhelming opposition to their plans.
The financial arguments for closure are feeble and we have asked, but not received confirmation, that any future Government will commit itself to reversing these cuts and delivering a fair funding package for West Yorkshire. Our own MP Ed Balls - despite stating he is campaigning against the closure - will offer no such assurances. As ever with Labour they moan about the problem but will do nothing to resolve it!
Christine and Brian deserve full praise for their battling efforts. Their commitment is typical of the independent thinking in Morley and the MBI group are delighted to get their support with the Fire Station Campaign.
The final decision will be taken by the Fire Authority in December. We will be there to make sure we hold accountable those councillors who make the final decision!
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Labour betrayal in Morley
Despite promises made in several local and national elections the Labour Party in Morley has reverted back to type and agreed 300 housing units on Morley greenfield sites at Daisy Hill and Bruntcliffe Road. The Labour dominated Plans Panel agreed both applications - despite strong representations from campaigning local residents - with Labour using its majority to ram through the proposals which have no local support.
But perhaps we should not be too surprised at Labours duplicity. It smacks of their approach to Morley when they were last in power at Leeds City Council with 1000s of houses dumped onto Morley's infrastructure which could barely cope. Now they are back to inflict more pain and this time have the support of Labour MP Ed Balls who backs house building at this level. Indeed Mr Balls failed to lodge an objection to either of these housing applications preferring to stay quiet about housing figures he agreed in the last Labour Government in the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) which dictated wholly unrealistic and unachievable housing figures across Leeds of over 3200 houses each year for the next 15 years! Unsurprisingly these are very similar figures to those contained in Labours LDF proposals presently doing the rounds at Leeds City Council.
The agreement of 300 additional houses brings at least an additional 600 vehicles onto Morley's already busy roads. Children's Services confirmed that Morley Schools were already full but this was ignored by the Labourites who have added an additional 60 primary school children to Morley's schools waiting list with nowhere to put them. If we add in over 22,000 planning permisions - most on brownfield sites already agreed across Leeds by Leeds City Council its clear that no Morley greenfield needs to be developed - at the present rate of new build - for over decade.
What do we make of this further Labour betrayal of Morley. It is clear that the Labour Group are happy to sacrifice Morley's solitary Labour Councillor Neil Dawson over this greenfield assault. Labours vote this year went backwards and his fragile majority has been overturned. Its also safe to assume that they believe Ed Balls is Teflon coated and this "Friend of the Developer" tag Labour now has will not stick to him. I think that's unrealistic. Labour at both national and local levels are prepared to sell Morley's greenfield and greenbelt sites out to Developers as the money associated with such Development can be re-cycled to Labour areas miles away from such overwhelming housing development in Morley.
I pay tribute to the campaigners such as Morley Against Reckless Construction (MARC) especially Dave Paul and Brian and Christine Guy who have run brilliant campaigns against the Daisy Hill and Bruntcliffe Road Developments. They will feel disillusioned and devastated that the views of local people have been entirely ignored by Labour Councillors who find such views irrelevant and are prepared to rip up any greenfield sites as long as they are not in areas they represent. But campaigners should not be downbeat. We have lost the opening skirmish but not the Morley Greenfield War. We must continue to oppose Labours crazy LDF policy which will bring over 8000 housing units to Morley's greenfield sites if agreed. We will explore the options to refer both applications to the Secretary of State and ask him to call them in as neither application supports sustainable development - the bedrock of the Governments flagship National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Labours LDF goes to public examination next years. Its our job to get it dumped and to continue with our campaign to protect other Morley greenfield sites on Labours Development hit list!
But perhaps we should not be too surprised at Labours duplicity. It smacks of their approach to Morley when they were last in power at Leeds City Council with 1000s of houses dumped onto Morley's infrastructure which could barely cope. Now they are back to inflict more pain and this time have the support of Labour MP Ed Balls who backs house building at this level. Indeed Mr Balls failed to lodge an objection to either of these housing applications preferring to stay quiet about housing figures he agreed in the last Labour Government in the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) which dictated wholly unrealistic and unachievable housing figures across Leeds of over 3200 houses each year for the next 15 years! Unsurprisingly these are very similar figures to those contained in Labours LDF proposals presently doing the rounds at Leeds City Council.
The agreement of 300 additional houses brings at least an additional 600 vehicles onto Morley's already busy roads. Children's Services confirmed that Morley Schools were already full but this was ignored by the Labourites who have added an additional 60 primary school children to Morley's schools waiting list with nowhere to put them. If we add in over 22,000 planning permisions - most on brownfield sites already agreed across Leeds by Leeds City Council its clear that no Morley greenfield needs to be developed - at the present rate of new build - for over decade.
What do we make of this further Labour betrayal of Morley. It is clear that the Labour Group are happy to sacrifice Morley's solitary Labour Councillor Neil Dawson over this greenfield assault. Labours vote this year went backwards and his fragile majority has been overturned. Its also safe to assume that they believe Ed Balls is Teflon coated and this "Friend of the Developer" tag Labour now has will not stick to him. I think that's unrealistic. Labour at both national and local levels are prepared to sell Morley's greenfield and greenbelt sites out to Developers as the money associated with such Development can be re-cycled to Labour areas miles away from such overwhelming housing development in Morley.
I pay tribute to the campaigners such as Morley Against Reckless Construction (MARC) especially Dave Paul and Brian and Christine Guy who have run brilliant campaigns against the Daisy Hill and Bruntcliffe Road Developments. They will feel disillusioned and devastated that the views of local people have been entirely ignored by Labour Councillors who find such views irrelevant and are prepared to rip up any greenfield sites as long as they are not in areas they represent. But campaigners should not be downbeat. We have lost the opening skirmish but not the Morley Greenfield War. We must continue to oppose Labours crazy LDF policy which will bring over 8000 housing units to Morley's greenfield sites if agreed. We will explore the options to refer both applications to the Secretary of State and ask him to call them in as neither application supports sustainable development - the bedrock of the Governments flagship National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Labours LDF goes to public examination next years. Its our job to get it dumped and to continue with our campaign to protect other Morley greenfield sites on Labours Development hit list!
Friday, 28 September 2012
Morley Fire Station - Public Meeting
A public meeting has been called by the Morley Borough Independents to discuss the proposals for the closure of Morley Fire Station and its merger with Hunslet Fire Station at an undisclosed location on Dewsbury Road.
The Meeting will be held in the Council Chamber in Morley Town Hall on Monday 8th October at 7pm.
Our opposition to the closure is well recorded as we have significant concerns about the fire safety of residents in outer communities - especially in East Ardsley, Drighlington and Gildersome - who may be put at risk if it takes longer for a fire engine to attend. We all know about the problems with Dewsbury Road and the difficulties that can face vehicles - especially when the M62 is clogged up as often as it is. If we add into this challenging scenario additional housing proposed for the Dewsbury Road corridor then communities may be being put at risk.
Morley Fire Station does an brilliant job in dealing with road traffic incidents on the M62 and is often called for assistance along the stretch of motorway that runs along the length of Morley. The local firefighters also do an excellent job is reducing the risk of fires breaking out by visiting vulnerable groups - such as pensioners and the disabled - to offer help and advice to support a reduction in the potential for a fire. This successful approach has seen the number of deaths from house fires drop dramatically over the last few years and prevention is always better than the cure.
A final decision is to be taken in December. It si vital that that decision takes into account local views and does not reduce the safety of local communities.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Daisy Hill victory
Many readers will have watched with interest a number of Developers circling several Morley Greenfield sites like vultures waiting to pounce. Daisy Hill is one of those locations which was lined up for almost hundred houses on this pleasant greenfield site.
The area is well known for flooding and Highways problems - especially on New Bank Street and King George Avenue - are well known. Added into this is the lack of places at local primary schools and the poor bus service within the area then it is difficult to see why Leeds City Council would approve planning permission for the site.
Local residents campaigned - along with MBI councillors - to oppose this proposal. No such opposition was found within Morley Labour Party with neither the local MP Ed Balls or his Morley Mate Neil Dawson offering any objections.
I attended the Plans Panel meeting and was delighted to hear representations from Dave Paul - Chairman of Morley Against Reckless Construction - who spoke passionately against the application. I offered my views about the lack of sustainability at this location and how it breached new Government Planning rules. The Panel agreed with us and turned over a recommendation of granting planning permission to a refusal.
There is little doubt the Developer will appeal as they are desperate to shovel their developments on to greenfield sites across Morley. We must continue to resist with the same commitment.
Friday, 24 August 2012
McDonalds Saturday store
We had a very positive response from residents last Saturday when we joined with Tingley Campaigners to collect objection letters to the Planning Proposal from McDonald's for a fast food takeaway on the site of the White Bear Inn at Tingley.
The vast majority of shoppers supported the campaign with over 300 objection letters completed. This puts the total number of objections to over 1200 which is a commendable achievement by the Tingley Campaigners during this holiday time.
I believe that this third time application from McDonald's is likely to be refused again as it is in the wrong location for a fast food take-away. This application would have a significant impact on the local community including traffic, highways safety, noise, litter and the potential for anti-social behaviour. If we factor in the non compliance with national planning policy (McDonald's are suppose to be in Town Centres) and the problems with significant traffic on Tingley roundabout then it is impossible to see how this application can ever be sustainable.
The better news is that a refusal this time would give residents a break in their David v Goliath battle with one of the worlds largest multi-nationals as any further applications - without significant changes - would lead to non determination. This would give this hard pressed community a break if Ronald is given his marching orders - a break they richly deserve!
More news on this issue is likely to be released shortly with a final decision expected in September.
If this is a further refusal then the Tingley Campaign Team deserve all credit for sustaining this campaign. We can all admire and learn from their "No surrender" approach!
Friday, 27 July 2012
Morley Police Station - Saturday Opening delivered!
Regular readers of this blog may remember the issues raised about Morley Police Station. Due to the Police Cuts programme Morley Police Station was likely to have to close over the weekends to make the appropriate savings and prevent cuts to front line policing in the area. Although closure over the weekend was a blow it is clearly important to retain the number of officers on Morley streets to continue the excellent job they do in reducing crime levels.
Many moaned about the closure and our beloved MP Ed Balls sent out another bogus "survey" and held another coffee morning. Indeed when ever Morley faces a challenge - whether its youth unemployment or the weekend closure of Morley Police Station Labour always holds a coffee morning to discuss the matter and then sends out a press release and a photo to show how "concerned" they are. Its a pity they never seem to take action to resolve the issue!
The MBI approach is to attempt to solve the problem. We met with senior police officers and asked them to cost up the option of opening on a Saturday on the basis that - if affordable - we would find the finance for it. The deal that came back would mean Area Committee paying half (not the Town Council as claimed by the YEP!) and the Police covering the other half. This was a good partnership approach and a great deal for local residents. The finance will be agreed at Septembers Area Committee meeting.
Outside this Political Posturing this is still good news for local residents. The Police are to be commended for taking a positive approach to working in partnership with local councillors and this decision will support the great work they do around the area. Confidence Levels in Morley Neighbourhood Policing Team are already some of the highest in the Division. This agreement - along with their continuing excellent work - will increase confidence levels higher.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Gildersome Industrial Estate Campaign and the formation of MARC
I was at a meeting at Gildersome Meeting Hall last night to discuss proposls for a large scale industrial estate on greenland adjacent to Asquith Avenue and Gelderd Road. This green space, which presently operates as a green corridor between Gildersome Village and Morley, is under threat of widescale industrial development.
Over 100 resdeints attended to raise their concerns at the meeting chaired well by my collegue Cllr Tom Leadley. Officers from the Council also attended to answer question on Planning, Highways and Drainage issues.
Gildersome residents clearly oppose this development and raised legitimate concerns about drainage, highways impact at already congested roads around the site and its impact on local residents who live adjacent to the site.
It is clear that residents concerns are genuine and that the debate about the sustainability of this site is an important one being held. At the point where many local industrial estates, such as Treefields at Gildersome and Howley Park in Morley, are not full is there demonstrable need for additional industrial development?
The Highways Agency has presently a holding objection to the application as it wants assurances that the impact of this proposal added to proposals for a hotel at Gildersome Roundabout on the Rowntree site as well as Barratts proposals for 200 homes on Bruntcliffe Road wont overwhelm the local road network. Many residents believe that the impact of all three proposals make the site unsustainable and congestion and pollution levels will rise. I expect to see several hundred objections to this planning application.
Its clear that the campaign against Inappropriate Development across Morley keeps building momentum!
Friday, 6 July 2012
Metro Meeting
Many readers may have seen the long campaign by residents on Bruntcliffe Road to improve the bus services along the A650 and along Fountain Street. The campaign has taken many years and has been the subject of several public meetings and meetings with the local MP without making much progress.
Bus deregulation in the 1980s has allowed bus companies to exploit passengers and deliver the bus services that make them the most profit. There has been little attention paid to the social needs of local residents and profits have been put before people as the bus companies have thrived and become cash rich. Successive Governments have failed to regulate the buses and the Bus Companies have had a field day!
Many of us have called for the re-regulation of the bus companies for many years. This is secretly supported by many councillors of all political persuasions many of whom disagree with the position of their National Parties on the matter.
Last week Metro voted to introduce Quality Bus Contracts. This is a form of re-regulation which will give Metro the power to compel bus companies to deliver services for the public good. This can only be a good thing and was at the back of our minds when we me with Metro Chairman Cllr James Lewis earlier today. Cllr Lewis was sympathetic to our case and will use Metros increased influence to try and solve this long term problem and return the much needed bus services serving Bruntcliffe Road and Fountain Street.
The bus companies receive public subsidy of around £70 million. Its about time we had some say on the services they deliver. Lets hope this new regime delivers for local bus users.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Friday, 22 June 2012
Gildersome Scarecrow competition
Litterpicking in Gildersome last Saturday |
This Sunday is the date for Gildersomes now famous scarecrow competition. The competition - which has now been going for years - means the village of Gildersome is flooded with local and not so local visitors who flock to see the hundreds of scarecrows made by Gildersome residents in a funday trail of spotting them all!
Many people believe I spend my time campaigning against other political parties and I am often accused of forgetting the more local issues. Which is why is was a pleasure to join local residents in Gildersome last weekend to help with a litterpick of the area prior to the Festival. Litterpicking is a therapeutic pastime and gives you a positive buzz as it is something tangible you are undertaking which makes the communities you represent better places to live. You can sometimes forget that important aspect when on focusing on the bigger and longer term issues.
I hope the weather holds out for Sunday. Even if it doesn't the Festival grows year by year and is a favourite day out for local people. I can only wish it the best for the future.
Friday, 15 June 2012
New Campaigning Committee set up
We held a public meeting last Monday to try to draw together all the different groups campaigning against inappropriate development across Morley - especially on greenfield sites.
The meeting brought together groups from Bruntcliffe Road, Daisy Hill, Chidswell, Tingley McDonald's campaign as well as residents from Gildersome, East Ardsley and Churwell who are all campaigning to protect their local communities and defend Morley's greenfield sites.
It was agreed to set up a new group who will lead the community campaign against Labours LDF and proposal for over 7,200 housing units on Morley greenfield sites as well as supporting communities campaigning on specific housing applications on controversial greenfield sites.
The group was given news of an analysis of the recent consultation process on Labours LDF. The figures show overwhelming opposition form Morley. Over 70% of the representations came from Morley with most of the rest from Developers and other statutory consultees. Other areas in Leeds are sleepwalking into an overwhelming nightmare of over development - but not Morley!
It is curious how the Labour representatives who claim to represent Morley have reacted. Ed Balls - our beloved Labour MP - didn't make a representation so its a safe bet he is toeing the Party Line and backing the proposals. Solitary Labour Councillor on Leeds City Council Neil Dawson also failed to make a representations despite his claims at public meetings he was working to change it! This should come as no surprise as he voted for the plan earlier this year. Clearly Neil is a Party Loyalist happy to sell Morley out to Developers rather than oppose the crazy demands of his Labour chums.
Friday, 1 June 2012
By-election result and Labour blunders!
Regular followers of this blog may have noticed that it has not been updated for a while. We have been busy campaigning in the Local Elections and also had a Town Council by-election added on for good measure taking up our team since March.
The local elections offered us a splendid series of results with both myself and Cllr Elliott being returned for a further 4 years. The Morley South result was quite spectacular and offered us the largest majority we have ever seen in the ward. Some of this is down to our solid campaigning stance on Knowle Manor, our opposition to Labours LDF promising 7,200 housing units in Morley and the rejection of Labours proposals to shave off £25,000 from the Policing budget in Morley. Labour's vote collapsed in Morley with their total vote and share of the vote decimated. No wonder Eddie looked disappointed when he attended the count in Morley Town Hall.
But this Labour failure - despite serous resources targeted to remove Judith (including visits to Morley from Cllr Keith Wakefield, Cllr Richard Lewis, Cllr James Lewis, Rachel Reeves MP and most of the Student Unions Labour Club!) did not stop Morley Folk backing the MBIs and holding Labour accountable for their many failures across the town.
Perhaps the biggest blunder from Labour was their mishandling of the by-election on Morley Town Council. This followed the resignation of Louise Bentley from the Town Council in April (which is the sixth time a Labour Councillor has resigned from the Town Council). Leaving aside the Labour Party's propensity for electing councillors who wish to avoid anything resembling work and who can't be arsed serving their office term - its the expense of holding a by-election which is really the outrage. Of course a by-election does not have to be held if it is not called and a seat can be filled by co-option. This would have saved local taxpayers £6500 in election costs.
But up steps Labour stalwart Frank Tighe - with his group of Labour buddies- to call a by-election! That will be £6500 please to cover the call - money better spent on improving Policing or keeping our streets cleaner. But the most blundering blunder of all is the failure of the Labour Party - after calling the by-election - to get their nomination papers in on time. I'm reliably informed that Labour Leader Neil Dawson turned up with the wrong papers and too late in the day to lodge the right ones! It is perhaps easy to understand - with this level of Labour incompetence - why the Country's finances were left in such a mess by the Right Honourable Ed Balls and his colleagues!
The result was a straight race between Gareth Beevers for the Morley Borough Independents and our local right wing extremist Chris Beverley under the English Democrats banner. Gareth won by 305 votes to Beverley's 154.
Friday, 23 March 2012
The LDF and more dodgy dossier figures!
Regular readers will be aware of our campaign against Labour LDF plans for 7200 new housing units on Morley greenfield sites. Readers also know Leeds has 26,000 planning permissions already granted for housing units across Leeds, mainly on brownfield sites.
But we are told that the new houses are required because of the expected increase in the size of the population in Leeds. Hysterical figures suggesting a mega city of 1 million residents was offered as "evidence" of the need to build an additional 70,000 across Leeds - stuffing Morley with 11% of the total.
Figures released today show a downgrading of the numbers and are based on figures released by the Office of National Statistics. Those claiming Leeds was to be imminently a City of 800,000 souls have had to downgrade their estimates to 780,000 little more than 30,000 higher than in 1974.
We have always questioned the accuracy of these figures and believe they are fundamentally flawed to provide Developers with a Developers Charter rather than a Local Development Plan.
Clearly these new figures dispute the evidence provided to support Labours LDF and make the whole process unsound. We will be challenging them at every opportunity!
A further piece of good news is that objections to Labours LDF from Morley has topped 500 - the highest from any community across Leeds. Residents are leading this assault and it is reassuring that they see the flaws in this seriously flawed process.
Watch out for a further public meeting to be announced shortly. The Battle goes on!
Friday, 16 March 2012
McDonalds - still not lovin' it!

It is said that you cant keep a Good International Corporation down but the silly burgers at McDonald's are again attempting to put their inedible fayre back on to the pub site at Tingley Roundabout.
We got news of a new application on Thursday when sharp eyed local residents spotted the new application on the Councils Website. By Thursday we had identified the site, requested the application be sent to Plans Panel (where the final decision is taken by Councillors and not Planners) and had started the process of arranging a public meeting to galvanise residents again to campaign against this application.
The new proposal, if anything, is worse than the last one with a two storey drive through proposed. The previous refusal decision, which McDonald's did not appeal, cited impact on residential properties and traffic generation as some of the reasons that led up to a refusal.
We do presently seems to be under attack from Developers on all fronts. The proposed public meeting will discuss this application but will also give residents an opportunity to debate Labours LDF proposals for 7200 houses for Morley - which could mean the loss of greenfield sites at Churchfields in East Ardsley and Dunningley and Thorpe Lane in Tingley as well as the proposed destruction of greenbelt land at nearby Chidswell. We believe the campaign is the same one as the proposals are for inappropriate development at all these locations.
Communities often get weary of continuously battling with Developers but, as we saw with the previous campaign, even McDonald's can be beaten if we get organised and campaign together.
This proposal may be as indigestible as a big Mac but we all need to unite if we are to beat McDonald's for a second time.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Huddersfield Demo and more LDF news
I attended the demo in Huddersfield last Saturday against the LDF proposed by Kirklees Council. As readers will know Kirklees are proposing a massive ripping up of greenbelt land at Chidswell for Industrial and Housing Purposes. We have formally objected to this proposal as its will inevitably impact on Dewsbury Road and delivers a substantial blight on popular greenfield sites used by Tingley and West Ardsley Residents.
The demo was a good one and alternative LDF options were proposed by people representing a wider political spectrum than you would normally expect for such campaigns.
Kirklees LDF was ratified at a full council meeting on Tuesday with Labour and Lib Dems ramming it through despite opposition from Conservatives and the Greens. Disappointingly the Huddersfield's "Independents" - who seem closely aligned to Labour - backed the proposal presumably because it left their area undamaged.
It is clear that Kirklees has not consulted Leeds on its Chidswell proposals as Leeds would not be proposing 7200 homes for Morley, many on their end of Dewsbury Road if it was aware of the high volume of traffic the Chidswell project will bring to Morley and Tingley.
The problem with all Councils LDFs is the lack of cooperation between Councils who all remain desperate to give up their greenbelt and greenfields in some bizarre attempt to attract the business sector. The fact of the matter is that there is only so much private sector cash around to bid for and Developers will go to the lowest common denominator.
Both Kirklees and Leeds LDF has to go through public examination for soundness and this is where we all need to get stuck in to the planning Inspector to confirm the foolishness and unsoundness of all these proposals.
Roll on the next demo!
Friday, 2 March 2012
Greenfields Public Meeting and Labour isolation!
Last Wednesdays Public Meeting was a fascinating affair. We had initially arranged for the meeting to be held in the Council Chamber but the sheer weight of numbers meant we had to switch it to the Alexandra Hall.
The Meeting opened with a presentation form Tom Leadley to confirm details of the core strategy of Labours Local Development Framework which confirms the wider Morley's housing targets of 7,200 new houses. I confirmed information I had received from Planning which shows over 26,000 planning permissions already granted or in the pipeline. As the completion rate is something below 2000 units a year simple maths tells you you don't need any greenfield sites for the next 13 years!
The puzzle for the evening was Labour Councillor Neil Dawson's comments that he voted for the Plan but was against the target! Many residents did not understand how you can vote for something you publicly claim to be against.
The meeting then offered residents their opportunity to ask questions or comment on issue. It was particularly heart warming to see campaigners from Daisy Hill and Bruntcliffe Road coming together with other campaigners fighting to retain Morley's greenfields in a unified way.
At the end of the evening a vote was taken on whether residents supported the MBIs campaign against Labours LDF and inappropriate development at Bruntcliffe Road and Daisy Hill. The meetings overwhelmingly supported our position with just one person refusing to support - Labour Councillor Neil Dawson. Presumably he feels more loyalty to his Party Boss down at Civic Hall than the residents who voted for him!
We will continue to campaign against Labours LDF and would encourage residents to do the same. Objection letters are available at our office and can be completed there. Labours LDF is flawed and the consequences of doing nothing will mean a stark future for Morley greenfield sites.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Labour Betrayal and more dodgy dossiers
The now infamous dodgy dossier - known formally as the Local Development Plan - was agreed by the Labour Group at the Full Council Meeting last Wednesday as they rammed it through with their majority despite efforts by the MBI group and others to prevent it. The plan - which sets the wider Morley housing targets at 7200 - which can only be accommodated on Morley and Ardsley greenfield and greenbelt sites and with the impact that will have on local roads, schools and health centres - will now go out to consultation.
And how did our local Labour Councillors do after their pledges to protect local greenfield and greenbelt sites in Morley and Ardsley and Robin Hood. They capitulated and all four of them Cllr Dawson, Cllr Renshaw, Cllr Mulherin and Cllr Dunn - despite their rhetoric locally - couldn't wait to put up their hands to support this dodgy dossier renamed Labours non Local Development Plan. Its a betrayal of their local communities!
The MBIs got a bit of a kicking from the Comrades for standing up for our communities with claims that we were opening up the Council to a legal challenge. Why - because Labour locally backed Labour nationally with unrealistic and unsustainable housing targets back in 2008. We have the financial crisis and the housing collapse since and they still hang on to these bizarre targets (agreed by our own beloved MP Ed Balls when in the cabinet).
So what can be done? This is the opening skirmish in a battle local communities need to win. We need to be united to block this plan.
And what facts can we use to block it? Well. Leeds presently has granted 26,000 none developed planning permissions - most on brownfield sites - across the Leeds City Council area. Present recorded completions are about 1600 a year which means we don't need any greenfield land for a further 15 years at the present rate of Development.
And what about the economic benefits of development on greenfield sites? The economic benefit to local communities in unproven with most Developers bring in their own (non local) teams to do the work. Additional new homes bonus money and Community Infrastructure Levy money also goes into the Council. There are no guarantees that one penny comes Morley's way and - with a Labour majority at Leeds City Council - you can almost guarantee where the money will be spent!
We are encouraging people to lodge formal objections to the plan over the next 6 weeks. We will continue our battle to retain Morley and Ardsley greenfield and greenbelt sites. This battle is too important for us to loose!
Friday, 17 February 2012
Hopewell Farm Clean Up!
It is often important - at the time your campaigning on the big issues such as greenbelt protection or retaining policing levels - that you don't forget the quality of life issues that impact on peoples everyday lives. This includes the community they live in and what can be done practically to improve their environment.
And that's way I am striding out with my colleagues on Saturday 25th February- litterpickers and plastic bags in hand - to do a community litterpick on the Hopewell Farm Estate commencing at 10am.
We will be delivering two community skips for local residents to use to help us give the estate an early spring clean. I think it is vital to go out an meet the community on these occasions who will often keep you updated on the challenges their community faces while helping to keep the area a bit tidier.
We have been on the Hopewell Farm Estate before and it has been a positive experience as the community has joined us to form a partnership to improve the environment and clear what is a pleasant green space in the centre of the estate.
We have introduced new street cleansing rounds in the area and - even though it is early days yet - we are seeing more street cleansing staff tackling the areas and locations that need clearing up and a better focused and more targeted way. We have a series of these events lined up for the future. Check this blog and the Morley Observer to see when we are likely to be in your area.
Here's to a rubbish day next Saturday!
Friday, 10 February 2012
LDF Plan - more dodgy dossiers from Labour!
The figures are indeed questionable. The dossier claims that Leeds has grown substantially over the last 20 years but a quick look at a document from LCCs Planning Department published in 1974 shows the population has grown by little more than 10,000 over the last 38 years. This desire - which is testosterone fuelled - for Leeds to be a mega city of 1 million by 2030 is not realistic, achievable or desirable.
The housing plans - leaked to the MBIs several weeks ago - show Morley Greenfield sites on the hit list while other areas get off with limited development. The map generated by the Planners claims up to 13,000 new homes as Morley is designated as a "major settlement" with up to 1000 homes proposed for Gildersome as well as up to 2,000 for East Ardsley. The present infrastructure cannot take this level of development and a quick glance at the map shows other greener areas of the City protected.
And where does the money go from all these new homes if they are built. Some assessments state that the new homes with infrastructure contributions and the new homes bonus will generate £40 million. This is passed to LCC for them to spend on their "priority areas". You can guarantee Morley and its associated villages wont be one of them!
The conclusion to reach is that Morley, because of its location, takes all of the pain and Leeds - especially the Inner City - gets all of the benefit!
Morley's full and we will battle to protect every greenbelt and greenfield site!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Bruntcliffe Road/Daisy Hill Update - your not paranoid if they are really after you!

Of course the answer is quite simple. When Labour agreed to allocate both sites for housing in their UDP plans in 2001 it was only a deal they can offer to Developers until the UDP is superseded by its new plan the Local Development Framework (LDF).
It is perfectly possible for both sites to be removed from the housing allocation later this year while new sites are found for Labours proposals for over 7,000 new houses across the Morley area.
Neither sites are sustainable as the demand they collectively place on local roads, drainage schemes, schools and health centres will overwhelm an already creaking infrastructure in Morley.
We will continue to campaign against such overwhelming proposals as we believe every last blade of grass and every wildflower is worth preserving across all of Morley's Greenfield sites.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Labour's Secret Plans to build 6000 houses in Morley
Both the Morley Ob and the YEP ran articles about the secret briefing Labour Leaders on Leeds City Council received on proposal for 6,000 houses along the corridor of Dewsbury Road in Morley. Those sites on the hit list include Laneside Farm in Churwell, Topcliffe Farm and Tingley Station (the greenfield site at the top of Dewsbury Road adjacent to Tingley Roundabout).
Such secrecy has no place in a democracy and the fact that MBI Councillors were excluded from such a briefing shows how desperate the Labour Party is to try and keep these plans quiet.
The arguments about such excessive development are well know. Local roads - especially Churwell Hill and Dewsbury Road - are already overwhelmed with traffic, our three high schools are full (as are most of our primaries!) local health centres cannot cope with this number of new patients and local infrastructure is already creaking under the strain. These greenspaces improve residents quality of life and they prevent urban sprawl.
The responsibility for this Housing Horror lies with the Labour Party's whose local Representatives Ed Balls and Cllr Neil Dawson back the previous Labour Governments Housing Targets of 33,000 new houses across the area over the next decade. Their view is a Developers Charter which hands over large greenfield and greenbelt sites across Morley for Developers to do as they wish.
The housing proposed will be neither affordable nor accommodate residents on Morley's present housing waiting list. The properties likely on such large estates will be large executive style housing for the wealthy while local families waiting for a decent and affordable homes to rent will be offered nothing. Present brownfield sites in Morley on Bridge Street and above Chartist Way could be developed for family housing but will remain as problem sites while Developers gallop along to Morley Greenfield sites and concrete them over!
But a further leak suggest even worse news! A secret proposal which would impose 7,100 new homes is presently being prepared for discussion later this month. Talk about a Labour Party out of touch!
What can you do to help? You can join our campaign by writing can to us at the MBI Office at Morley Town Hall, Queen Street, Morley giving your views or e mail us at You can text your support for our campaign by texting "support" to 07813322737 and we will make sure your objection is lodged with Leeds City Council.
Together we can defeat these Labour Proposals. Residents will remember we took on the Labour controlled Leeds City Council in 2002 when they wanted to develop greenfield sites across Morley. We defeated them then and kept our greenfield sites Green for a decade. Don't let them get away with it this time. Support our campaign to keep Morley green for the next decade!
Friday, 13 January 2012
Liberty Court Welcome
The newly completed Liberty Court on Chapel Hill in Morley is a welcomed good news story.
The housing complex, which will provide 22 two bed roomed apartments for affordable rents to local families, has been a campaign MBI Councillors have been on with for over 4 years.
The previous building that Liberty Court replaced was an eyesore and dragged the area down. It was frequented by drug addicts and had a poor reputation for anti-social behaviour.
The new housing complex will provide affordable homes for local families from Morley. Many residents will leave their over large council homes to move into their new apartment and this again will generate housing opportunities for Morley families on the present housing waiting list.
The finance came from Leeds City Council, the HCA and the Housing association and has been delivered by a committed team who have delivered this fabulous project.
This shows what can be done to hit the three targets of regenerating an area, offering new affordable homes to local people and providing council homes to local families when they move to such new accommodation. It is a virtuous triangle and has informed the three projects we have delivered at Liberty Court, Kirkness Court on Corporation Street and the new homes on Glen Road.
But storm clouds are gathering! Despite our efforts to build on previously developed brownfield sites, secret briefings have taken place and a secret document has been leaked which proposes over 6,000 houses on greenbelt land in the Morley area. More of this later but for now we can welcome this new housing development which benefits the residents in Morley.
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