Sunday 21 January 2018

MBIs deliver Council Tax Freeze

Morley Town Council supports Morley Town Centre
Morley Town Council voted at its meeting last Wednesday to freeze the council tax precept delivering a nil increase on the amount Morley residents will pay to the Council for 2018.

Cllr Bob Gettings said “For the third year running we have frozen the Council Tax Morley residents pay to the Town Council. We appreciate that Council Tax payers have had significant increases in the Council Tax they have had to pay Leeds City Council and we believe a Council Tax freeze was the fairest way forward.”

The precept Morley residents pay supports additional services across the area including increased levels of Policing, additional gritting of roads, additional highways safety measures – such speed indication devices, support for Morley Town Centre as well as financial support for local community groups and increased enforcement services.

Cllr Robert Finnigan said “Although we have frozen the precept again, Morley residents are still getting additional services that Leeds City Council won’t provide. The precept amounts to less than 20p a week for a band D property and for that residents get more Police on local streets, more vigorous enforcement of issues such as anti-social parking and dog fouling, safer roads and more financial support for community groups.”


Sunday 14 January 2018

MBIs backing Fairtrade Campaign

Backing Fairtrade Tea and Coffee Producers
Morley Borough Independent Councillors are backing the campaign to bring Fairtrade Status to Morley and to make Morley a nationally recognised Fairtrade Town.

We have joined the working group who are developing a plan to meet the criteria for the award which includes traders, schools and local businesses recognising the Fairtrade movement and supporting it with their purchases and with what they serve in their shops and cafes.

As the present Mayor of Morley I am pleased the Town Council serves Fairtrade tea and coffee and has given a £500 grant to support the campaign. I also know many MBI councillors also make personal choices to financially support the Fairtrade movement.

The Fairtrade Movement has developed over many decades to give producers - often from developing countries - a fair deal for their produce. This sometimes includes paying a Fairtrade premium which goes to the producers in the country of origin who use the additional premium to improve health and educational opportunities for their families.

We are delighted to support the Fairtrade movement and will continue to work with others to promote the fine work the Fairtrade movement undertake.