Thursday, 18 March 2010

Playground Progress

I am delighted at the progress being made at Scatcherd Park Playground. Much of the new play equipment is already in while the larger central play piece - a large scale climbing frame is going in to the present sand covered section.

The playground refurbishment follows hard on the heels of other schemes we have delivered including Hembrigg and Hesketh Lane and we have further ambitions which will cover improvements at Dartmouth Park as well.

We are presently out to consultation for further work at Hesketh Lane to see if we can provide goals posts and perhaps some activities for skaters and skateboarders. We have had several responses back - some supportive - others no so supportive so we will need to balance the wishes and concerns of the local community before any further work is completed.

I understand the skate park re drawn plans are presently out to consultation and I hope we can progress this project in the not to distant future.

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