The now infamous dodgy dossier - known formally as the Local Development Plan - was agreed by the Labour Group at the Full Council Meeting last Wednesday as they rammed it through with their majority despite efforts by the MBI group and others to prevent it. The plan - which sets the wider Morley housing targets at 7200 - which can only be accommodated on Morley and Ardsley greenfield and greenbelt sites and with the impact that will have on local roads, schools and health centres - will now go out to consultation.
And how did our local Labour Councillors do after their pledges to protect local greenfield and greenbelt sites in Morley and Ardsley and Robin Hood. They capitulated and all four of them Cllr Dawson, Cllr Renshaw, Cllr Mulherin and Cllr Dunn - despite their rhetoric locally - couldn't wait to put up their hands to support this dodgy dossier renamed Labours non Local Development Plan. Its a betrayal of their local communities!
The MBIs got a bit of a kicking from the Comrades for standing up for our communities with claims that we were opening up the Council to a legal challenge. Why - because Labour locally backed Labour nationally with unrealistic and unsustainable housing targets back in 2008. We have the financial crisis and the housing collapse since and they still hang on to these bizarre targets (agreed by our own beloved MP Ed Balls when in the cabinet).
So what can be done? This is the opening skirmish in a battle local communities need to win. We need to be united to block this plan.
And what facts can we use to block it? Well. Leeds presently has granted 26,000 none developed planning permissions - most on brownfield sites - across the Leeds City Council area. Present recorded completions are about 1600 a year which means we don't need any greenfield land for a further 15 years at the present rate of Development.
And what about the economic benefits of development on greenfield sites? The economic benefit to local communities in unproven with most Developers bring in their own (non local) teams to do the work. Additional new homes bonus money and Community Infrastructure Levy money also goes into the Council. There are no guarantees that one penny comes Morley's way and - with a Labour majority at Leeds City Council - you can almost guarantee where the money will be spent!
We are encouraging people to lodge formal objections to the plan over the next 6 weeks. We will continue our battle to retain Morley and Ardsley greenfield and greenbelt sites. This battle is too important for us to loose!