Friday 24 February 2012

Labour Betrayal and more dodgy dossiers

The now infamous dodgy dossier - known formally as the Local Development Plan - was agreed by the Labour Group at the Full Council Meeting last Wednesday as they rammed it through with their majority despite efforts by the MBI group and others to prevent it. The plan - which sets the wider Morley housing targets at 7200 - which can only be accommodated on Morley and Ardsley greenfield and greenbelt sites and with the impact that will have on local roads, schools and health centres - will now go out to consultation.

And how did our local Labour Councillors do after their pledges to protect local greenfield and greenbelt sites in Morley and Ardsley and Robin Hood. They capitulated and all four of them Cllr Dawson, Cllr Renshaw, Cllr Mulherin and Cllr Dunn - despite their rhetoric locally - couldn't wait to put up their hands to support this dodgy dossier renamed Labours non Local Development Plan. Its a betrayal of their local communities!

The MBIs got a bit of a kicking from the Comrades for standing up for our communities with claims that we were opening up the Council to a legal challenge. Why - because Labour locally backed Labour nationally with unrealistic and unsustainable housing targets back in 2008. We have the financial crisis and the housing collapse since and they still hang on to these bizarre targets (agreed by our own beloved MP Ed Balls when in the cabinet).

So what can be done? This is the opening skirmish in a battle local communities need to win. We need to be united to block this plan.

And what facts can we use to block it? Well. Leeds presently has granted 26,000 none developed planning permissions - most on brownfield sites - across the Leeds City Council area. Present recorded completions are about 1600 a year which means we don't need any greenfield land for a further 15 years at the present rate of Development.

And what about the economic benefits of development on greenfield sites? The economic benefit to local communities in unproven with most Developers bring in their own (non local) teams to do the work. Additional new homes bonus money and Community Infrastructure Levy money also goes into the Council. There are no guarantees that one penny comes Morley's way and - with a Labour majority at Leeds City Council - you can almost guarantee where the money will be spent!

We are encouraging people to lodge formal objections to the plan over the next 6 weeks. We will continue our battle to retain Morley and Ardsley greenfield and greenbelt sites. This battle is too important for us to loose!


  1. What is the Labour position, on MTC, Robert?

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Robert

      Support your side, or their own party?

      BTW. Your "unproven" bit is wrong. There is a lot of empirical and anecdotal evidence from various reputable sources to support my assertions.

  3. Happy to accept your word on this. Can you confirm where I can find it?

    Best wishes


  4. Thank-you Robert for your hyperbole-laden reply, in the Obvitiser, to my queries on his housing policy. Your quoted statistics are unqualified, both time wise and geographically, therefore little use beyond scaremongering. This is where his argument becomes a bit of a “straw man”.

    According to yourself reasoning, 7, 200 homes are proposed ripping up Morley greenspace. However, by your own admission, the projected demand and current completion rate will not necessitate this. So, what exactly is your argument?

    Morley residents need homes, jobs and a future. You state the belief that development benefit’s the local economy is ‘bizarre‘, mysteriously downgraded to ‘unproven’ in your blog.


    There is a wealth of evidence to contradict your good-self. Research by the independently-minded Scottish government drawing on the experiences of assorted private and social housing organisations as diverse as Shelter, Communities Scotland, DTZ, and The Housing Corporation show that the direct/indirect mutltiplier benefits of construction in the local economy varied from 159% to 195% in terms of direct/indirect jobs, income, spend and related services. This is irrespective of the Community Infrastructure Levy. Think what this could do for Morley.

    In a week when the Morley Observer, itself, has highlighted the dire state of youth unemployment in this town, you want to throw this opportunity away. Irrespective of your political allegiance, have a good look at the present & future employment/business/housing prospects of family and friends and associates and ask yourself if you want more or less? The past has gone, do not be swayed by people who live in it, there is only the future. Don't swap it for a field.

    Go nail them for some mixed housing (social and private) you know you want to, Robert.

    P.S. Why have you got a picture with you and a bow-saw. Chopping down trees lol. May see you this evening if I can get a babysitter.

  5. We are nor going to agree on this one. Development of itself does not bring longer term economic benefits and most building firms bring in their own staff. The number of affordable homes Developers have to provide was reduced by Labours Executive Board down from 25% to 15% (I voted for no reduction).

    If you accept that planning permission has been or is to be granted on 26,000 units across Leeds then why are Developers not falling over themselves to bring those jobs and opportunities you claim are waiting out there for young people?

    Other targeted areas are the previously developed land in East Leeds and in the City Centre. Do you honestly believe that when these targets are agreed Developers are going to choose those sites when Morley Greenfield’s are available?

    What will happen is that targets are agreed and Developers will cherry pick the best sites available and ignore those that are difficult to develop? Morley’s Land prices are cheaper, it has good schools and a good road network. Developers will go where the best profit is and will care little about the impact on communities.

    In terms of jobs I believe I have a solid record on this issue. I have made sure that future employment opportunities at the White Rose come to local young people. I did the same at Churwell Tesco’s and at the Village Hotel. These are real jobs for local people. The Labour Party’s response was to hold a coffee morning!

    Pity you missed the meeting at it was well attended. Check out next weeks Morley Ob.

    Best wishes


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