Friday 26 September 2014

McDonalds fail again!

Former White Bear Pub at Tingley - McDonalds proposed site for their burger bar
 McDonalds have failed again with their planning proposal to bring a fast food take-away to the site of the former White Bear at Tingley Roundabout. The proposal - which was opposed by the Stop McDonald's campaign group with the support of residents and MBI Councillors - is the fourth time McDonald's have attempted to wheedle their ill thought out idea through following three failed planning applications and a failed planning appeal.

So what should we make of their persistence? McDonald's are a large, wealthy and powerful multi-national who think they can grind down a community until they get what they want which is to make more profit regardless of its impact on local communities. This location is in the heart of a residential area and is in the wrong place. We have suggested other sites - such as in the Town Centre or on the Capital Park Industrial Estate - but they don't want to listen.

This location is set up to maximise their profits by taking advantage of the Motorway Network and McDonald's push on with this approach even though they shut their burger bar in Dewsbury earlier this year.

We cannot let McDonald's bully us in to submission. They may be powerful and rich but our continuing campaign to prevent this inappropriate development in a residential area does not diminish in any way despite their numerous attempts to try and wangle their burger bar through. Over 1000 objection letters accompanied this new application with local people refusing to move an inch on the proposal from McDonald's.

What about the future? McDonald's are flogging a dead horse with their plans at this location. Other locations are available and would not have the significant negative impact this plan would have on a residential area. McDonald's may appeal (again!) but we will be waiting for them with the Peoples Resistance Movement. My money is on the People winning this one!

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