Friday 11 December 2015

McDonalds Refused for a fifth time!!!

Cllr Judith Elliott with residents at the site visit

 We are celebrating a decision by Leeds City Councils Plans Panel last Thursday to refuse planning permission for a McDonalds Fast Food Take-away at the White Bear site in Tingley for a fifth time. The refusal decision follows on from four previous refused applications and a further refusal decision by a Planning Inspector on appeal.

My colleague Cllr Judith Elliott commented “We are delighted that Councillors have again refused this planning application We have consistently said this is the wrong location for a fast food take-away because of Highways safety issues and its proximity to Woodkirk High School.”

The application was refused following a site visit in the morning and a two hour debate on the afternoon where Councillors voted down the application.

Over 30 residents turned up at the site visit which was good humoured and gave Councillors a useful insight into the concerns residents had. Many of the same residents attended the Panel Meeting in the afternoon to listen to the debate.

Councillors refused planning permission for the application after listening to speakers from the local residents group and Woodkirk High School. Representatives from McDonalds spoke at the meeting but were not able to convince councillors to grant planning permission.

The application was refused because Councillors had concerns about Highway Safety and the impact on residential amenity for the homes adjacent to the site. We also refused planning permission because of the negative impact a McDonalds would have on the health and safety of children attending Woodkirk High School.

McDonalds appealed an earlier refusal decision which will be considered at a Public Inquiry in March and we will be there to continue to battle on behalf of residents.

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